Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fuck Hollywood

I just had to see something... that honestly nearly made me sick. I had to take a dose of Pepto before I lost my dinner.

I'm referring to the remake of "The Day The Earth Stood Still."

This is quite possibly the most awful thing ever. There's a "rebellious stepson", Keanu Reaves, glassy energy spheres, suck, modern filmmaking, more suck, emo music, lack of theremin music, and other suckage.

Is there a certain reason why these halfass Hollywood cretins think that coming and jizzing 21st Century Suck all over everything is a great idea? Seriously... they've taken out all of the parallels between Klaatu and Jesus. They took out the famous "Klaatu Barata Nikto" out. Gort? I dunno. Not there? There's some other shitty robot called "The Totem".

I hate this film already. I don't want to hear a single person give me that tired, trite line about giving it a chance. Hollywood remakes no longer deserve a chance. They're guilty until proven innocent, shoot on site, worst case scenario hate-deserving suckfests.

Please... the day it comes out... let Gort walk into the theater and destroy the film.


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